Have you seen these cool Smartphone designs?


Smartphone Design 1

cool smartphone designs

cool smartphone designs

Blackberry Concept 2 (2012) – A concept created for Crackberry.com. It has a wrap around screen with the front and back cameras hidden underneath. Artificial intelligence allows for an all touch-screen body, so the device knows the difference between a hand holding it and fingers pressing buttons.





Smartphone Booklet – This is such a versatile disposable smartphone in form of a booklet made of smart material. The whole idea based on this future material – cheap compacted mix that includes a base (something like cardboard), and the “smart” nano-particles that can uniting in various combinations to create computing power, microphones, speakers, displays and etc.

Booklet can be various lengths and computational volume. You can detach the sheets and each sheet will be a full-featured smartphone with a 100% visualizing surface and computational power reduced in proportion to the total volume of the booklet.

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